Packing our bags for Pakistan


We're heading to Pakistan 19-27 August to continue our efforts in providing hope and medical assistance to some of the thousands of Afghan refugees there who have little or no access to medical care due to not having a visa in Pakistan. Many can not afford visas and will be deported back to Afghanistan if discovered. This could be catastrophic because many have worked with the United States and are likely to be killed if they return. They also can't work without a visa so we are developing some income generating jobs for them. We will also be doing a medical clinic in a slave brickyard. There are millions of families enslaved in brickyards.

We also plan to provide food and resources to some Christians who have fled their homes due to persecution. Many homes and churches have been burned and some have lost their lives due to mob killings.

Our goal is to bring physical healing, and sustenance, as well as eternal hope through the love of Jesus Christ.

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