What does SU do?


Sojourners has made several trips to the Middle East and Ukraine.  Click below to visit our blog and read what SU was able to do and some of the lessons God was teaching to the team.   

We will be Iraq starting 5 October through the 17th of November.   

 "A man's heart intricately plans his ways, but God orders the steps" (Proverbs 16: 9)  Sometimes things don't turn out the way planned.  But we still plan.  Interested in where SU is going (realizing that the ultimate trip might end up entirely different)? Click below for future trip information.

From time to time, SU comes across special individuals or situations where prayers and financial gifts can make a profound difference.  Click below to find out some of these special causes.


Periodically Sojourners puts out summary Newsletters.  The latest is posted below.     

We are looking to return to Ukraine either in October 2022 or March 2023.  Your prayers and support for this are precious!

Click the above link to donate for the next Ukraine Trip.  Under PayPal Giving Fund, note "Special cause: Ukraine".  Thanks!

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